Higher Risk of Serious Injury or Death in Motorcycle Accidents

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Did you know that California has the largest number of motorcycles among all 50 states? Makes sense; California is the most populous state of all 50, too! With great year-round weather and tons of views from north to south, it’s not difficult to imagine why so many people invest in a motorcycle as an alternative mode of travel.

With the hot summer weather behind us and the temperate days of autumn here, there’s sure to be even more motorcycles on the road.

Motorcycle accidents most certainly come with their own slew of concerns. No one gets into a motor vehicle without some risk. Imagine a motorcyclist has a passenger on that back, increasing the risk tenfold. We’re not biased! In 2019 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported the number of deaths on motorcycles was almost 27 times the number in cars, despite motorcyclists accounting for fewer drivers.

With less protection around them and getting lost in traffic, motorcyclists have a higher risk of serious injury or fatality when an accident occurs – and they do occur.

When a motorcycle accident happens, you’ll need and want an attorney with the expertise to handle the difficulties that come with it, like:

-> Accident reconstruction – the when, how, and why of what happened and if any outside factors played a role.

-> Safe driving habits – were all parties involved practicing safe driving or was recklessness?

-> Mental state – riding a motorcycle requires hypervigilance and more skill than a passenger vehicle.

As you can see, motorcycle accidents are complicated. Motorcycle injury claims can carry higher medical costs or more pain and suffering than other accidents. When you or a loved one’s future is at stake, having the right attorney makes all the difference.

Be safe, play it safe, and stay safe – and if things have already gone awry, don’t fret, one phone call to the injury lawyers at Zucker Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers, APC can put things back on track.

Life pro tip: wear a helmet. Per the NHTSA helmets reduce the risk of death by 37%! We like those chances, and you should, too.

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The accident lawyers at Zucker Personal Injury & Accident Lawyers, APC in Temecula offer legal services exclusively in the areas of personal injury and wrongful death.

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